Days one and two in Halifax

Hello folks, this is your editor, Colin, reporting from Halifax, Nova Scotia...We are here for some University biz, a conference as well as some much needed holiday time. The plan includes a foray up to Cape Breton and parts of the Cabot trail.

The first evening, after an uneventful 5 hour flight from Victoria, we went over to a Pub and Eatery called "Your Father's Moustache" on Spring Garden Road for some awesome Natchoes, Guacamole and, of course, Alexander Keith's PALE ale.

It is always a little unnerving to be wandering around a strange town late in the evening but Halifax seems safe enough.

We got back to the hotel at about 10:30PM and met up with some friends, Sara C. and her Son Chris C. in the lounge for some soft-drinks afterward. Long story short: I have know Chris and Sara C. for over ten years and this is the first time I have met them. Thanks to the internet, the art of letter writing has returned.

Get this - Chris is starting a job at UVic and today he left Halifax for Victoria!

Day Two- slept in til about noon. Grabbed some lunch and first coffee of the day at the ubiquitos East Side Mario's restaurant for some very basic Kung Pow and Coffee. Yea, odd combo! First coffee of the day you see. Did lots of street exploration all day and for dinner, Andrea and I ended up at the "Economy Shoe Shop" restuarant for a sampling of Halifax'es BEST eats.

The "Economy Shoe Shop" Bar and restaurant is known world-wide as one of the best seafood places. Our meal was no exception. I had the finest example of Bouillabaisse anywhere in Canada and it was only 10 bucks! That and a half-litre of wine, as well as Andrea's meal and we were outta pocket for 30 bucks.

Top notch eats!

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