Living in your caffeinated World

design ideasOkay so you have waded through page after page after page of information and tips on making fabulous coffee. You have a good brewer, good beans, and a Saturday morning mate, like no other, to share your wake-up juice with. Forgot something? Like, where do you drink your morning jolt? In a series of articles in the pipe, the CoffeeCrew will soon start talking about and writing about the home environment in which we imbibe our brew.

Help us out at the get-go! Take the poll about where and how you start your day and when the first delicate sips cross your lips. With this information, we will organize some of the new stuff we will be working on.

Indulge me for a moment. Isn't running a web resource, like this one, much like hiking up the Swiss alps.. by yourself? You climb and climb but other than the improving view around you, you never really get a sense of whether you are any closer to your goal. Apart from the odd e-mail like "Great website dude!", I never really know how I am doing or who I am reaching. There are the odd nuggets. For example: "Colin, since reading all this stuff you put out, I now look forward to every Saturday morning with my better half and my superior cuppa - You changed my life ..our life! Thanks!"
Okay, these are rare but stuff like this keeps me plowing on, taking me several steps ahead, or up in this case, as well as a few hardy souls with me.

In ten years we have reached between 4 and 7 million readers. And although most of these people have not quit their day jobs and entered a life of caffeinated monasticism in the arabica bearing hills of Peru, some of them have secured a modicum of life improvement through a better cup of coffee. In the least they have become aware of how much sweat goes into their savored cup. Okay, now you are looking at the screen much in the way Rover gazes at his empty dog dish, one ear flattened, and his head cocked to the side.

What I am saying (or asking) is, does all this effort make a difference? Am I reaching you people?
I assume yes.

Let's carry on shall we?

In our first installment on the subject of the home-cafe environment, we will talk
furniture. From  the photo, above right, we see an example of fine Swedish design from the innovative design group of Offecct and designer Eero Koivisto. This piece, called the "Bottomless Coffee Table" will do things for your 'home cafe' only a fine Scandanavin design will do.

There is no question that coffee consumed on nice looking furniture tastes better. We will talk about it and hopefully explain why.


Colin lives and works in Victoria B.C. Canada. His website, CoffeeCrew.Com, has been a decade long obsession. He hopes to reach as many people as possible before he drops coffee for tea.


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Planet Friendly Coffees
Lower Level
St. Lawrence Market - Front Street - Toronto
Everyday Gourmet Coffee - Front Street - St. Lawrence Market