Victoria's improving cafe scene.

Discovery Coffee Victoria

Adam Tindale and I visited Discovery Coffee today. For the coffee, yes - but also, for the Clover coffee maker. And some.

A little lead-in:

Discovery Coffee is on Discovery Street (on the North-west side of the corners) 2 or 3 doors down from Douglas street in Victoria, B.C. Canada. It is about a ten minute walk North of the downtown

Okay - Something exciting is happening in the Victoria, B.C. coffee marketplace and it is an all-good message for the consumers.

Not surprising, people like Sam Jones, his partners and crew at Discovery Coffee, are helping make this happen.

Okay - so it take a little more than a single coffee brewer to make the difference in Victoria's vibrant and dynamic coffee community.

In fact, Discovery Coffee is, in some ways, a lab and showcase of all the right tools that any cafe could possibly need for the best cups.

* mahlkoenig coffee grinder
* mazzer coffee grinders
* synesso 3-group espresso machine
* clover coffee brewer
* good filtered water

Did I mention that it's the people as well as the tools?

The baristi at Discovery Coffee wear Chef's uniforms. Seriously.

Back to the Clover introduction. The Clover Coffee maker is a single-cup (12 ounce thereabouts) single coffee brewer that retails for 8000 U.S. smackers. Eight Thousand. That is a big coin for a coffee maker. Single cup. Seriously. What about it?

Here is "Victrola's" take on the beast.

Well - there is, like, continuous temperature settings from 180 - 210 ºF, Cup sizes 6 - 16 fluid ounces, brew time 10 seconds - 5 minutes with a standard interchangeable filter 70 micron.

Enough tech already. what does it taste like?

The clover is transparent. All you taste is coffee. You taste sharply focused berry notes that are _just_ perceptible with the most diligent home drip preparation (under perfect conditions). With slight variations in roast signature, with the same bean and grind, we tasted remarkable variations in prevalent taste spectrum.

It tasted good. You have to try it yourself. Clover coffee... at Discovery Coffee - Discovery at Douglas Street - Victoria.

Buon Amici's Cafe - Victoria

Derek and Gena (and their team of beautiful coffee people) at Buon Amici's feel, it's in the ambience... and in the food... and in the physical space. Truth be told, Buon Amici's wins hands down in the physical space category. Why? Go there and find out. Some of the Buon Amici magic defies a word description. Trust me.

On the way to Discovery Coffee, on Saturday morning, Adam and I stopped by the Mirage Cafe (corner of Government Street and Broughton). They have a bright street corner space with 2 Eagle-Elektra espresso machines - they look like hood ornaments for one of those Earth moving catepillar graders (you know the ones - tires the size of a 2 story building)


The espresso coffee was spot on (their coffee is roasted at the Blanshard and View location) and the food complimenting the java was fresh and appealing. Top marks!

So, what does this all mean? It means there are more choices and more good coffee people in the Victoria cafe biz. This is a serious up-tick folks. I have no idea about how long it will last or whether it will keep getting better out there.

The overall message (from me) is: If you have not been to a cafe recently or the last cafe-cappuccino you had was at the Contempo Cafe in 1979 (a real place) then you really need to get out there _now_ and see what is going on. Seriously!

Looking for another excuse? You know that pretty girl or guy you have had your eye on for a while? Coffee is the fuel of love... and the fuel has never been more pure!

Go on - Ask her(him) out. It is, after all, the Spring! almost.

For the CoffeeCrew.Com website, I am Colin Newell

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Planet Friendly Coffees
Lower Level
St. Lawrence Market - Front Street - Toronto
Everyday Gourmet Coffee - Front Street - St. Lawrence Market