The Baratza Preciso Grinder First Look

The Baratza Preciso all new coffee grinder

Based on our their popular grinder - the Baratza Virtuoso, the Preciso adds extra precision and control to the great basic features of the Virtuoso. Kyra and Kyle of Baratza were kind enough to entrust me with a sample Preciso for an intense look see - We are in the first few days of play so this article will unfold as this week comes and goes. Check in often!

Like the Virtuoso, the new Preciso retains the 40 grind adjustment steps of the Virtuoso, but a second micro adjustment lever further divides each of the 40 steps into 11 distinct settings. This was a much needed feature for serious espresso enthusiasts because with the Virtuoso's more limited range of steps, one had to depend on their other skills for nailing the perfect grind and tamp.

Smaller steps (in this case 11 sub-settings for every regular click on the Preciso) means you have more control over your espresso grind, enabling you to pull that perfect shot.

The Preciso retains all the range and durability of the beloved Virtuoso. It really is the ideal grinder for folks who like to mix it up with French press, Aeropress, drip and all the other methods. And if you use a couple of different methods (like I do) it is now way easier to zero in on that sweet spot.

Operationally, the Preciso has the same timer and pulse button that the Virtuoso employs.

The Preciso's professional grade 40mm conical burrs produce a consistent, fine grind which is critical for all the grind ranges from espresso through French press. I am constantly mixing it up in my lab so the Preciso's inherent flexibility pays off for stress free grinding batch for batch.

The front mounted pulse On/Off button allows you to grind directly into your espresso brew portafilter and an optional portafilter holder makes dosing a snap. The 60-second timer is perfect for grinding my regular "full batch" for my Newco OCS-8 and OCS-12 drip brewer. The Newco's and the Preciso are the perfect team - then again, it works well with my collection of French press brewers

The Preciso's large 8-oz. hopper and a 5-oz. removable anti static ground coffee bin are standard equipment - exactly like the Virtuoso.

Mid review, my Preciso was returned to Vancouver's Esprossotec workshop for an upgrade to the burr assembly - new burrs made in, of all places Liechtenstein.

Comments and comparisons: When I first started reviewing and playing with the Baratza series of grinders (quite literally in the beginning when it was only the Maestro) I could put a lot of energy into focusing on every little detail on the grinder - Now there are 5 grinders - and I have played and abused them all. Come to think of it, this is the perfect opportunity to do something special with this knowledge - more on that later.

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